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We welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions.

Popular questions

We know the sense of worry that comes with seeing your pet in distress. Before you head to our clinic for urgent care, please give us a call. We may direct you to drop off your pet at a designated time.

Please know that while urgent care can be your first line of defense, we are not an ER facility. We may at times refer you to a nearby emergency center.

We understand that plans change. For procedures, please cancel or reschedule more than 7 days in advance. For all other appointments, please cancel or reschedule at least 12 hours in advance.

If you have medical records for your pet, we would greatly appreciate that you email them to us at If you’ve seen a previous clinic, let us know which one and we can request that the necessary paperwork be sent over on your behalf.

At this time, our clinic is appointment only. Before you head to one of our locations for urgent care, make sure you give us a call ahead of time.